La ferme des chevaliers noirs, porcs Cul noir PORC CUL NOIR Ready for a great gustatory voyage? It's happening at the new 100% free-range organic breeding farm for Limousin culs noirs and Gascons pigs. All bree... Jabreilles-les-Bordes
Coopérative Limdor SA CHESTNUTS Agricultural cooperative: Golden PDO Pommes du Limousin, organic apples and other varieties (Gala, Pinova, etc.). "Eating and living better with apple... Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche
Le pain de Pomme Boulangerie biologique St Germain Les Belles BREAD Le Pain de Pomme is an organic artisan bakery offering long-fermented natural sourdough breads for a healthy, nutritious diet. It combines the pleasu... Saint-Germain-les-Belles
Madeleinier : Vanille et Chocolat CONFECTIONERY / CHOCOLATE Boutique specializing in the sale of madeleines and chocolates. Discover the famous "Bébé" madeleine, available in several sizes and flavors, as well... Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche
La P'tite Occitanie BEER Opposite Saint-Junien's collegiate church, for a souvenir made in Périgord-Limousin, visit La P'tite Occitanie. The store is brimming with local gourm... Saint-Junien
Ferme EARL Pécout à Château-Chervix VACHE LIMOUSINE A passion handed down from generation to generation With our passion and know-how, we founded our company in 2012. For over 40 years, our business ini... Château-Chervix
Ferme du Champeix VACHE LIMOUSINE Breeding of Limousin and Black Angus cattle. Direct sales of 10 kg packages (roasts, beefsteaks, tenderloins, bourguignons) by order only. Quarter Hor... Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche
La ferme du bout du chemin - Agneaux à l'herbe sans céréales ni granulés MEAT Our flock of ewes is made up of Métis, Thônes, Marthod and Bizet ewes, all small breeds. In order to increase the biodiversity of our meadows and limi... Saint-Sulpice-les-Feuilles
La Ferme de l'Aubannerie - volailles, canards et porcs MEAT Free-range poultry (roasts, preserves, foie gras), pork (cuts and preserves) and Limousin beef (cuts and batches). Nouic
Kilukru Limoges – Cours de « crusine » COFFEE / TEA CRUsine workshops Delicious raw vegetarian recipes Permaculture products CRUsine courses and CRUsine and relaxation weekends by reservation: https://... Limoges
Le rucher des Walkyries BEE PRODUCE Pierrick is a young producer and harvester offering a wide range of honey, as well as jarred nougat to enjoy with a teaspoon! Present at markets in S... Saint-Sylvestre
Ferme des Highlands MEAT These Highlands Cattle, with their big horns and long hair, are descended from an ancient Scottish breed. They are fed exclusively on grass and hay. O... Saint-Léger-la-Montagne