Massepain : Boulangerie Pâtisserie Martin PASTRIES A genuine Saint-Léonard de Noblat speciality, discover "La Boulangerie Pâtisserie Martin" style marzipan. Marzipan consists of three ingredients which... Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat
Ferme de Belleprade VACHE LIMOUSINE Sale of homemade meat and charcuterie from Limousin cows and calves and free-range pigs. All our products are guaranteed free of colorants, preservati... Champnétery
Miel du moulin BEE PRODUCE Miel du Moulin de Lavaupot is an organic, multiflora honey from beehives set around a family farm. Available at markets and at the mill by appointment... Saint-Sulpice-les-Feuilles
La ferme des Chantouroux BREAD Located just outside Limoges, Ferme des Chantouroux is converting to organic farming, and has been awarded the Initiative Remarquable label for its po... Nieul
Massepain : Boulangerie de la Place PASTRIES A genuine Saint-Léonard de Noblat speciality, discover "La Boulangerie de la Place" style marzipan. Marzipan is made from three ingredients which, whe... Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat
Le Caveau de Bacchus COFFEE / TEA A good address for lovers of fine red, white and rosé wines, spirits and liqueurs. You'll also find regional products, as well as gift and decoration... Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche
Les Herbes d'Airmed MEDICINAL PLANTS Discover Les Herbes d'Airmed. Marie-Isabelle is a biodynamic grower and wild harvester of local aromatic and medicinal plants. She offers dried plants... Rochechouart
Champignons de Gaudeix CHAMPIGNONS Les Champignons de Gaudeix cultivent des Shiitakés de qualité supérieure dans le respect de l'environnement. Les Shiitakés sont produits sur des subst... Saint-Sulpice-Laurière
Boutique de produits régionaux de l'île de Vassivière BEER Treat your friends and family to a local speciality, a souvenir of your visit to Vassivière! Located at the entrance to the island, the Boutique de... Beaumont-du-Lac
La Prairie de Mariposa MEDICINAL PLANTS Mathilde grows around forty edible flowers and aromatic and medicinal plants on a small plot of land near the Saint-Pardoux lake, without pesticides o... Compreignac
GAEC de Champagnat - Viande limousine MEAT Sale of beef, vacuum-packed, in packages or retail. HVE certification Reservations mandatory for packages and recommended for retail. Dompierre-les-Églises
Légumes bio de M. Villette FRUIT / VEGETABLES Certified organic, Mr. Villette sells baskets of vegetables, red fruit, chestnuts and walnuts direct to the consumer. Marval