Le Trépaïs PASTRIES This tasty cake is composed of a crunchy crust, a "manjari" chocolate mousse, a chocolate cookie, a chestnut cream and a hazelnut-based cookie on the... Saint-Junien
Volailles La Meuzacoise à Meuzac POULTRIES Thanks to our partnerships with various breeders, we also market poultry such as chicken, guinea fowl, festive poultry, etc... We market our products... Meuzac
Les Fromages de Vaubourdolle fromages de chèvre et de vache au lait cru- CHEESE Raw-milk goat and cow cheeses. Châteauponsac
Anne Paraud CHEESE On her "Bienvenue à la Ferme" (Welcome to the Farm) and "Haute Valeur Environnementale" (High Environmental Value) certified farm, Anne Paraud looks a... Les Cars
Maison Delbruyère SEAFOOD Maison Delbruyère is a family-run, artisanal business. Located in Pageas, in the Périgord-Limousin regional park in Haute-Vienne, it was born of Lione... Pageas
Chèvrerie de la Peytavigne CHEESE This small, family-run goat farm, located between Pageas and Champsac, offers organic goat's milk cheeses (fresh, semi-fresh, coated, filled, crottins... Champsac
L'atelier de la châtaigne CHESTNUTS The "L'atelier de la châtaigne" brand, created in 2018, showcases the ancestral know-how of Monsieur Delouis and his team since 1999. Here, chestnuts... Champagnac-la-Rivière
Epicerie Les caves de la Gartempe BEER Let yourself be tempted by the exceptional quality of our local products: wines, beers, aperitifs, pâtés, honeys, cookies, mustards, cheeses, gourmet... Bessines-sur-Gartempe
Le verger de Vergnas FRUIT / VEGETABLES Farm located in the hamlet of Vergnas, near the A20. Farm products: fruit, berries, vegetables, apple juice, veal and heifer meat. Store open Monday t... Vicq-sur-Breuilh
Pass-abeilles BEE PRODUCE Established in Haute-Vienne in 2019, La Ruche Pass Abeilles produces jarred French honeys in the pure beekeeping tradition. Our aim is to produce a qu... Bussière-Galant
La ferme des Chantouroux BREAD Located just outside Limoges, Ferme des Chantouroux is converting to organic farming, and has been awarded the Initiative Remarquable label for its po... Nieul
Esprit Makasi - Ferme des Baloffes MEAT La ferme des Baloffes is a unique place that invites all those wishing to recharge their batteries in the Makasi Spirit. Hélène and Guylain welcome yo... Saint-Priest-Ligoure