Le Caveau de Bacchus COFFEE / TEA A good address for lovers of fine red, white and rosé wines, spirits and liqueurs. You'll also find regional products, as well as gift and decoration... Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche
La Ferme bio de Marie - Marie Achard OIL Sale of rapeseed, sunflower and camelina oils, mustard, birch sap, apple juice and sparkling wine, birch sap soap, donkey milk and shea butter. All pr... Les Cars
Volailles et oeufs fermiers de la ferme des Chabo'T OEUFS The Chabo'T farm, in the heart of the Périgord-Limousin Regional Nature Park, offers free-range poultry, ready to cook whole or cut up: chickens, guin... Saint-Mathieu
La ferme de Bord - Fruits, jus de pommes, confitures, miel, JAM Established in 1989, François and Françoise VANNIER cultivate an apple and berry orchard with the greatest respect for the protection of the ecosystem... Saint-Hilaire-la-Treille
Anne Paraud CHEESE On her "Bienvenue à la Ferme" (Welcome to the Farm) and "Haute Valeur Environnementale" (High Environmental Value) certified farm, Anne Paraud looks a... Les Cars
Ferme du Champeix VACHE LIMOUSINE Breeding of Limousin and Black Angus cattle. Direct sales of 10 kg packages (roasts, beefsteaks, tenderloins, bourguignons) by order only. Quarter Hor... Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche
La pomme FRUIT / VEGETABLES Des jurys de dégustateurs ont ainsi défini sa typicité : de forme plutôt allongée, croquante, juteuse, sa chair blanche n'est pas farineuse et la Pomm... Limoges
La Noyeraie - Pépinière de plantes vivaces JAM La Noyeraie, a typical farm in the southern Haute-Vienne region, lives to the rhythm of nature. Here you'll discover the campsite, gîte, walnut groves... Saint-Hilaire-les-Places
Fruits et légumes La tomate écarlate FRUIT / VEGETABLES La Tomate écarlate is a sustainable market-gardening and potato-growing operation, offering seasonal vegetables in boxes: tomatoes, zucchinis, eggplan... Cognac-la-Forêt
La Ferme des Collet à Vicq-Sur-Breuilh VACHE LIMOUSINE Ferme de Collet is a family farm that has been handed down from generation to generation. We farm 270 ha. We own part of this land, the other part bei... Vicq-sur-Breuilh
ô jardin des chênes FRUIT / VEGETABLES Production de légumes sur sol vivant. Le maraîchage sur sol vivant est un mode de culture qui place le sol au centre de ses préoccupations et fait le... Saint-Martial-sur-Isop