La Ferme du Mazet CHEESE The Mazet farm sells tommes and butter made from raw cow's milk. Visits possible, see conditions on site. Champnétery
Les pigeonneaux du Moulin POULTRIES Producer and breeder of pigeons (ready-to-cook and preserved), quails and lambs, chickens, guinea fowl and poultry all year round, cutting of free-ran... La Meyze
Volailles de la Ferme de Chatreix POULTRIES Production and sale of poultry. Sales at the farm on Thursdays or by appointment. Market presence on Wednesday mornings in Bourganeuf, and Saturday mo... Saint-Julien-le-Petit
Epicerie participative Chez marcel BEER Discover the authentic taste of our region through carefully selected local products in this participative grocery store. Saint-Léger-la-Montagne
Ferme de Châtres - Viande bovine et produits laitiers CHEESE Raw milk, cow's milk cheese, beef and veal. Production, processing and sale of dairy products and packaged meat from a herd of a dozen Salers and Abo... Rancon
Couleurs Miel- Christophe Lorain Apiculture BEE PRODUCE Organic Limousin honey (various types) and GRF-certified fresh organic Royal Jelly from France. Honeys produced: all spring flowers, all summer flower... Coussac-Bonneval
La Ferme du Bost FRUIT / VEGETABLES Production and sale of organic Limousin table apples. Organic processing of apples into cider and juice. Royères
Confitures artisanales JAM Clarisse makes a wide variety of jams to delight the taste buds of all gourmets. Direct sales by appointment. Mailhac-sur-Benaize
Viande Bovine Limousine GAEC Lavergne MEAT On-farm production and sale of Limousin beef. Last Thursdays and Fridays of each month, by order. Present at local farmers' markets in July and August... Sainte-Anne-Saint-Priest
Le rucher de la Mouline BEE PRODUCE Jean-Marie is a great lover of flowers, whose flavors he wishes to preserve as faithfully as possible. His beehives are set up on land where the envir... Saint-Jouvent
Au Bouc du Monde CHEESE A farm committed to respecting nature and animals, the "Au Bouc du Monde" farm offers dairy products based on goat's milk: cheeses, yoghurts and custa... Champnétery
Les plants bio du GAEC Le Jardin d'Albert MEDICINAL PLANTS Vegetable and herb plants, flower plants, field vegetables. Sales at the greenhouse from mid-April to the end of June and from mid-October to mid-Nove... Saint-Mathieu