Les ruchers de la Courcelle BEE PRODUCE Family-run bee farm in the heart of the Monts d'Ambazac. This natural, unspoilt area produces quality honeys, gingerbread and nougat, harvested with p... Bersac-sur-Rivalier
Oh les petits fruits STRAWBERRY Newly created company in September 2023 to produce organically and sell red berries: strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants, blueberrie... Saint-Yrieix-sous-Aixe
Forêt Jardin du Petit Chavanat MEDICINAL PLANTS Following an internship at the botanical garden in Quito, Ecuador, Estelle was inspired to make plants her profession. After obtaining a state diploma... Saint-Laurent-les-Églises
L'abeille des Monts de Blond - Miels, pain d'épices, nougat et hydromel bios BEE PRODUCE Passionate about beekeeping for many years, and exclusively beekeepers, l'Abeille des Monts de Blond offers single-flower and multi-flower honeys such... Montrol-Sénard
La P'tite Occitanie BEER Opposite Saint-Junien's collegiate church, for a souvenir made in Périgord-Limousin, visit La P'tite Occitanie. The store is brimming with local gourm... Saint-Junien
Les Légumes de Rémi FRUIT / VEGETABLES vegetables grown according to the specifications of organic agriculture throughout the seasons at the Grand Lanternat market farm in Saint-Hilaire-Les... Saint-Hilaire-les-Places
ô jardin des chênes FRUIT / VEGETABLES Production de légumes sur sol vivant. Le maraîchage sur sol vivant est un mode de culture qui place le sol au centre de ses préoccupations et fait le... Saint-Martial-sur-Isop
EARL du Coq Ovin - Poulet, pintade, agneau, œufs OEUFS Direct sales of broilers, ready-to-cook guinea fowl and free-range eggs, as well as a sheep farm with 180 ewes. The animals eat almost exclusively fe... Val d'Issoire
La Ferme des Feuillardiers MEAT Églantine and Adrien raise around 20 Aubrac cows and 350 Merinos d'Arles ewes on their 85-hectare mixed farming farm. All the animals are fed on their... Les Cars
Boucherie Laurent Barris MEAT Butcher, delicatessen, caterer, canner. Sale of black-bottomed pork and young cattle. Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche
La Ferme des Simples COFFEE / TEA La ferme des Simples grows and processes a whole range of products based on aromatic and medicinal plants: herbal teas, jellies and syrups. All year r... Vayres
Boutique des Créateurs BEER Since 2012, the Boutique des Créateurs has welcomed you to a space dedicated to the creations of passionate craftsmen, in Oradour sur Vayres in the Ha... Oradour-sur-Vayres