Coopérative fruitière Limdor : Unité de Collecte Marrons Châtaignes CHESTNUTS Chestnuts are an important fruit in the southern Haute-Vienne region. (flour, chestnut cream, chestnut puddings, apple-chestnut jam, etc.) LIMDOR?s ch... Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche
Massepain : Boulangerie Pâtisserie Martin PASTRIES A genuine Saint-Léonard de Noblat speciality, discover "La Boulangerie Pâtisserie Martin" style marzipan. Marzipan consists of three ingredients which... Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat
Fromage Mas de Feix CHEESE Nathalie and Loup have been producing cow's milk cheese for over 20 years, on an 80-hectare farm. They are proud to privilege quality over quantity on... La Jonchère-Saint-Maurice
La Prairie de Mariposa MEDICINAL PLANTS Mathilde grows around forty edible flowers and aromatic and medicinal plants on a small plot of land near the Saint-Pardoux lake, without pesticides o... Compreignac
Les Pruneaux de Saint-Léonard CONFECTIONERY / CHOCOLATE Also known as "marcareux" or "biojou", Saint-Léonard prunes have been part of Miaulétou gastronomy for almost 150 years (see Le Jardin du museum publi... Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat
Les plants bio du GAEC Le Jardin d'Albert MEDICINAL PLANTS Vegetable and herb plants, flower plants, field vegetables. Sales at the greenhouse from mid-April to the end of June and from mid-October to mid-Nove... Saint-Mathieu
Ferme Chez Thivaud CHEESE Cow's milk products. Sold at the Eymoutiers market on Saturday mornings. Nedde
Rucher de la Mazière Producteur Gelée Royale BEE PRODUCE Producer of ROYAL JELLY, HONEY : flowers, borage, mountain, lime, chestnut, forest, bramble. It is advisable to make an appointment by telephone. HONE... Sauviat-sur-Vige
La Ferme bio de Marie - Marie Achard OIL Sale of rapeseed, sunflower and camelina oils, mustard, birch sap, apple juice and sparkling wine, birch sap soap, donkey milk and shea butter. All pr... Les Cars
Oh les petits fruits STRAWBERRY Newly created company in September 2023 to produce organically and sell red berries: strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants, blueberrie... Saint-Yrieix-sous-Aixe
Volaille de La Ferme de Lagorce POULTRIES Chickens, guinea fowl, ducks all year round. Geese, turkeys and capons for the festive season. Specialities for coq au vin and poule au pot. Saturday... Eymoutiers
EARL La Brebilière Zinzin du Limousin CHEESE Dairy sheep farming and processing of dairy products. - Farmhouse fresh cheeses made from ewe's milk, farmhouse tomme made from ewe's milk, dairy des... Val-d'Oire-et-Gartempe