Terres de Limousin – Haute-Vienne Tourisme, the departmental agencies of Creuse, Corrèze and Dordogne, are partnering ADEME to deploy the Sustainable Tourism Fund as part of the France Relance plan over the 2021/2022 period.
The Fund, with a budget of 50 million euros at national level, is aimed at VSEs and SMEs in the Restaurant and Tourist Accommodation sectors (excluding non-professional furnished-rental tenants), located in rural areas.
In Haute-Vienne (as of September 22, 2021), 14 companies have contacted the project manager. 6 have completed their diagnosis, 7 have made an appointment and 1 has not followed up.
In the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, over 200 files have been accepted, representing 55 registered files and over €1 million allocated (€20,000 on average per company).

Fonds Tourisme Durable