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Benefit from ADEME fundingto get started on the green transition

Sustainable Tourism Fund, status as of November 2023

France Relance helps tourism operators finance their ecological transition projects with the Sustainable Tourism Fund!

Take advantage of financing

of the French government's stimulus plan to help you make the ecological transition.

Terres de Limousin – Haute-Vienne Tourisme, the departmental agencies of Creuse, Corrèze and Dordogne, are partnering ADEME to deploy the Sustainable Tourism Fund as part of the France Relance plan over the 2021/2022 period.

The Fund, with a budget of 50 million euros at national level, is aimed at VSEs and SMEs in the Restaurant and Tourist Accommodation sectors (excluding non-professional furnished-rental tenants), located in rural areas.

In Haute-Vienne (as of September 22, 2021), 14 companies have contacted the project manager. 6 have completed their diagnosis, 7 have made an appointment and 1 has not followed up.

In the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, over 200 files have been accepted, representing 55 registered files and over €1 million allocated (€20,000 on average per company).

Your contact

Fonds Tourisme DurableFonds Tourisme Durable
©Fonds Tourisme Durable
Yann Ducatteeuw
Sustainable Tourism Fund Project Manager, Departments 19, 23, 24 and 87
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