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Benefit from ADEME fundingto get started on the green transition

Presentation of the Sustainable Tourism Fund

France Relance helps tourism operators finance their ecological transition projects with the Sustainable Tourism Fund! The Sustainable Tourism Fund is a financial mechanism that supports tourism projects that integrate sustainability principles. It encourages environmentally, socially and economically responsible development, promoting initiatives that respect the environment, cultural and natural preservation, support for local communities, and sustainable business practices in the tourism sector. The overall aim is to promote respectful and equitable tourism over the long term.

Take advantage of financing

of the French government's stimulus plan to help you make the ecological transition.

Haute-Vienne Tourisme, the departmental agencies for Creuse, Corrèze and Dordogne, is partnering ADEME to deploy the Sustainable Tourism Fund as part of the France Relance plan over the 2021/2023 period.

The Fund, with a budget of 50 million euros at national level, is aimed at VSEs and SMEs in the Restaurant and Tourist Accommodation sectors (excluding non-professional furnished-rental tenants), located in rural areas.

ATTENTION, these are not building renovation or insulation projects, but rather projects to reduce water and energy consumption in the kitchen/accommodation sector, optimize waste management, create a more sustainable plate of food, invest in efficient lighting, or promote more eco-friendly mobility…

What is the Sustainable Tourism Fund?

The aim of this new fund is to provide financial assistance to tourism operators in their drive towards sustainable tourism.

It concerns 2 types of activity: catering and tourist accommodation. Priority is given to rural areas (municipalities with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants).

Assistance is available for investments in various areas, such as communication, energy and water savings, lighting, training in eco-gestures, the fight against food waste, and waste management.

They cover part of the costs (maximum 80%) associated with the emergence, maturation and implementation (engineering, investment) of your projects.

The amount of aid requested must exceed €5,000, and can be up to €200,000. 30% on signature, 70% after completion of investments. Maximum time to complete the investment program and close your FTD file: 18 months.

Renovation projects are not covered, but since March 2022, investments in insulation (attics, walls, floors, crawl spaces, CMV) are financed up to 40%.

Investments in renewable energy (biomass heating, heat pumps, solar water heaters) are also eligible.

Who's concerned?

All VSEs and SMEs located in rural areas (all Haute-Vienne communes except Limoges and Panazol) with one of the following activities: catering (NAF 56.10A, 56.21Z) and/or tourist accommodation (NAF 55.10Z, 55.30Z, 55.20Z, 55.90Z).

In detail:

  • 5510Z – Hotels and similar accommodation
  • 5520Z – Tourist accommodation and other short-term accommodation
  • 5530Z – Camping grounds and parks for caravans or recreational vehicles
  • 5590Z – Other accommodation
  • 5610A – Traditional restaurants
  • 5621Z – Catering services
  • Agricultural activities if at least 30% of total sales come from tourism activities
  • 8411Z – Public administration
  • 8413Z – Public administration (supervision) of economic activities

For actions relating to insulation, renewable energies, project management and commercial refrigeration, the following sectors are eligible:

  • 6820B – Renting of land and other real estate
  • 9499Z – Other voluntary organizations

PLEASE NOTE: self-employed entrepreneurs are not eligible for the “renewable energies” and “labeling” actions. SCIs can benefit from the Sustainable Tourism Fund for renovation actions (insulation and renewable energies) only.

Presentation of the Sustainable Tourism Fund

Take the plunge, and get support to draw up a FREE environmental diagnosis and design a subsidized action plan.

To find out more about the list of eligible actions and how the Sustainable Tourism Fund grants are awarded, click on the links below to view the pdf presentation of the scheme and the video.

Watch the webinar
Watch the webinar
Webinaire Fonds Tourisme Durable - 06 mai 2021

Your contact

Fonds Tourisme DurableFonds Tourisme Durable
©Fonds Tourisme Durable
Yann Ducatteeuw
Sustainable Tourism Fund Project Manager, Departments 19, 23, 24 and 87

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