Lande De Frochet Terra Aventura 1Lande De Frochet Terra Aventura 1
©Lande De Frochet Terra Aventura 1|Tom Jouhandeaud
The incredible treasure hunt

Tèrra Aventura en Haut-Limousin

A huge treasure hunt through the legendary landscapes of the Haut-Limousin region.

What is it?

It’s an original walk, a treasure hunt over a few kilometers, that lets you discover the area, its heritage and anecdotes, all while playing.

Equipped with the 100% free “Tèrra Aventura” smartphone application, you’re ready for adventure!

With clues to find, riddles to solve and treasure to search for, young and old alike choose to explore our forests, our villages… with the excitement of finding the grail: the virtual Poï’Z.

These little characters populate the world of “Tèrra Aventura” as they guide you, and their badges are yours to collect.

13 treasure hunts to discover in the Pays du Haut-Limousin :
  • Bellac: Rien ne sert de courir / Zart
  • Bussière-Poitevine: The Lords of Champagnac / Zarthus
  • Bussière-Boffy: A la poursuite de la Mandragore / Zellé + Zarthus
  • Châteauponsac:Code name Bayeux / Zonelib
  • Châteauponsac: Perle de la Gartempe / Zabeth
  • Cieux: Megaliths and their legends / Zellé
  • Mortemart: In the heart of the Dead Sea / Zabeth
  • Rancon: The quest for Geoffroy’s castle / Zeroïk
  • St Symphorien/ Couze: Ricochets de lacs en étangs, d’étangs en fontaines / Zépapeur
  • Thiat: Parkour d’Enfer au saut de la Brame / Zépapeur
  • Villefavard: Back to the good old days / Zabeth
  • Le Dorat: Les empreintes de l’Ange Doré / Zéroïk
  • St Sulpice/Cromac: Bien à l’aise au Pot Bouillant

It’s your turn to play!

For more information, visit and the “Tèrra Aventura” mobile app, as well as your nearesttourist office.

And to discover Terrà Aventura on video, go to Youtube.

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