Julien BarretDevelopment Officer, Haute-Vienne Fishing Federation

Julien Barret: a profession, a passion

In charge of development at the Haute-Vienne Federation for Fishing and Protection of the Aquatic Environment since March 2011, Julien Barret has made his passion his profession.
Julien Barret 1 0Julien Barret 1 0
©Julien Barret 1 0
Julien Barret

Haute-Vienne as seen by Julien…

A walk: I love strolling along the banks of the Vienne between Le Palais sur Vienne and Limoges.

My favorite food : Especially not fish, I don’t like it! I prefer a good duck breast with Sarlat potatoes and ceps, which remind me of my Périgord origins.

A store I like: Manucentre, where I can find all the fishing tackle I need, and the helpful advice of the sales clerks.

A visit I’d recommend: The Limoges aquarium, of course!

My favorite season: Without hesitation, autumn, for the color of the landscape but also for fishing. It’s the best season!

The place that always amazes me: The Monts d’Ambazac and its highest peak, the Pierre Branlante.

One adjective for Haute-Vienne: Surprising.

Let's go fishing!

Fishing in Haute VienneFishing in Haute Vienne
©Fishing in Haute Vienne
He tells us...

His grandfather and father passed on their passion for fishing to him from an early age, and he soon became involved in the associative network within an AAPPMA. With a BTA in wildlife management, followed by a BTS GPN (Gestion et Protection de la Nature), he completed his training with a BPJEPS fishing instructor-guide diploma.

In turn, he passes on his passion for fishing to young people through school activities, nature fishing workshops and fishing courses.

He practices all types of fishing, but has a preference for lure fishing for predators and fly fishing for trout and grayling. Although trout remain his favorite fish, he is particularly fond of the common perch, which he regularly teases on the Vienne River near Limoges.

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