David Pouyadoux Croquembouche Visite EntrepriseDavid Pouyadoux Croquembouche Visite Entreprise
©David Pouyadoux Croquembouche Visite Entreprise
David PouyadouxLe roi de la madeleine de Saint-Yrieix

David, artisan patissier and his madeleines

David, a native of Saint-Yrieix, has shared a passion with his father since childhood: cooking. In the kitchen, the two of them would treat the family to civets, clafoutis, cherry crêpes, and so on. So, when it came to choosing a career path, it was these convivial moments that steered me towards pastry-making”. He went on to obtain his “brevet de Maîtrise” and finished 3rd in the regional Apprentice Training Center competition.
Logo Salon De La MadeleineLogo Salon De La Madeleine
©Logo Salon De La Madeleine

President of the "Coeur de Madeleine et Chocolat" association, David and his fellow artisan pastry chefs - chocolatiers for the 7th edition of the SALON DE LA MADELEINE ET DU CHOCOLAT 🍫 taking place 👉 Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 November 2024, salle des Congrès in Saint-Yrieix .

The madeleine out of a shell ....

Like the dozen or so craftsmen and industrialists in Saint-Yrieix, David makes madeleines, those little golden😋, pot-bellied cakes whose shape evokes a scallop shell. For some, it’s closely associated with the roads to Santiago de Compostela, for others with Commercy.

In this small Lorraine town, in the mid-18th century, a cook named “Madeleine” is said to have put her grandmother’s recipe to good use. Later, King Stanislas’ daughter, wife of Louis XV, imposed her infatuation for this 😍”sweetness”😍 on Versailles. Once her reputation was established, her fame spread throughout France.

A journeyman confectioner popularized it in Saint-Yrieix in the mid-19th c., and “la Maison Bijou” gradually made Arie’s expertise in this area known and recognized throughout Limousin and beyond. The traditional madeleine from Saint-Yrieix is made with quality products 👩🏻‍🍳(flour, butter, sugar, eggs)🍜; preservative-free, it is distinguished by its incomparable softness and bitter almond flavor.

Portrait David Pouyadoux Madeleinier à Saint-YrieixPortrait David Pouyadoux Madeleinier à Saint-Yrieix
©Portrait David Pouyadoux Madeleinier à Saint-Yrieix
Blonde lovers, ... star weddings and honeymoons

“I’ve been making “blondes arédiennes”, as they’re called here, for over 15 years, and I must say I’ve managed to recreate the taste of the madeleines of my childhood. While working in the back of the store, Mr. Ponthier and I even found a recipe for a 1900 madeleine signed “Le cousin Albert”, hidden in the mantelpiece…”.

David offers a range of sweet versions (dark, milk and orange chocolates, etc.) and savoury versions (pig’s ass bacon, apple pudding, cheese, etc.). He has also worked with Mr. Ponthier to develop a recipe for a little madeleine, “La Pomminette”®: “We’re an apple country, so we’ve married two of the stars of the region: the apple and the madeleine … but only for the best … the pleasure of the palate … so the honeymoon is endless”.

And to make sure the honeymoon goes on and on, every summer from July to September, David shares his passion for making madeleines as part of his CCI visits (free visits, registration at the Pays de Saint-Yrieix Tourist Office).

Discover Le Croquembouche

Other specialties from David, a member of the Syndicat des artisans pâtissiers du Limousin:

👉Le cochon cul noir🐖: a little chocolate with a melting, crunchy taste of gianduja and caramelized hazelnut slivers.

👉Les vacheries limousines🐄: dark and milk chocolates with a raspberry praline heart.

👉Le Burgou: a chestnut-based travel cake🌰.

👉Le Trépaïs: the Limousin cake par excellence, composed of 🎂 specialties from the 3 départements.

👉La Perle du Limousin: an entremet composed of an apple cookie 🍏with morello cherry compote and fromage blanc mousse.

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