Balade à dos d'aneBalade à dos d'ane
©Balade à dos d'ane|Dominique Guillemain
Donkeys at VassivièreMore than a passion

Christophe Plateau loves donkeys from Vassivière

Spring promises to be beautiful and flowery on the heights of Peyrat-le-Château (classified as a “Stations Vertes”) not far from the shores of Lake Vassivière. Meet an animal lover who decided to live in the countryside, in Haute-Vienne, in the heart of the Limousin, when a career as an architect might have allowed him to travel the world. Christophe Plateau welcomes you to his farm in Champseau for a peaceful vacation in the company of his favorite animals: donkeys. 🫏💐
Portrait Christophe PlateauPortrait Christophe Plateau
©Portrait Christophe Plateau
Christophe Plateau

Life in the great outdoors! Take to the trails to the rhythm of the donkey's footsteps.

An encounter…

Why Haute-Vienne and how long have you lived there?
Rather than a carefully considered choice, Peyrat-le-Château came quite naturally to me when I imagined leaving Paris and my profession as an architect, in 2000. It was an obvious choice, because it was here that my great-grandfather’s farm was located, and it was here that I had spent so many vacations building cabins or looking after the sheep with the shepherdess and her dogs!

Tell us about your job:
Once I’d obtained my agricultural diploma, my life project in Limousin was built around donkeys and hiking. The idea was to combine an agricultural activity (a donkey farm) with tourism (offering hikes around Vassivière). A campsite was soon set up on the farm, followed by a Mongolian yurt camp and, more recently, a gypsy caravan. Lodging has become increasingly important, but the donkey remains at the heart of our activities: hiking, storytelling, educational farms…

What do you love most about your job?
I’ve always wanted to get away from Paris to have space and a life in the fresh air. And that’s exactly what I get! Here, nature isn’t an empty word, something you just watch. You’re part of it, you’re part of it, and you make your own small contribution to it as the days go by. And that’s precious.Another privilege is living with our animals. You learn about yourself through contact with animals: a good deal of humility, respect and curiosity, and you grow every day from this encounter.

What makes your job special, unexpected or original?

At a time when we live connected, when everything has to move fast, it’s no mean feat to set off at donkey’s pace along paths so little used that you won’t come across anyone all day. No smartphones, no GPS: just read the map and take your time. Sometimes you get lost, but it doesn’t matter (if you don’t mean to!). For some, it’s horrifying. For many, it’s a “detox cure” and a source of appeasement.

What’s your favorite village? Why do you ask?
Quenouille, without hesitation. Its houses of beautiful blond granite are literally rooted in the hillside. Water flows at the foot of the village: washhouse, drinking trough, fountain…Above the houses lies moorland, with legendary rocks at the summit and volcanoes in the distance. Around the hamlet, a real maze of sunken lanes lined with low walls. I always feel a touch of piety in front of these relics of a bygone era, for the farmers who built these walls, for their skill and patient labor.

What’s your favorite lake, river or corner of nature?
It’s true that Vassivière is the closest to us. But my favorite is Lavaud-Gelade, which is wilder and more secretive. I must confess to a touch of selfishness: there are corners on the shores of this great lake that I jealously prefer not to share…

What sports, hobbies or leisure activities do you enjoy? Where? solo, with family or friends?
Hiking, of course. And in all weathers, because “morning rain doesn’t stop the pilgrim”! There’s no shortage of itineraries in our area, and it’s a secret ambition of mine to know every trail in the Pays de Vassivière.

Do you like local gastronomy? What’s the recipe you know how to prepare or like to share with your friends and family?
No meat in our kitchen… Too bad for the Limousine!On the other hand, we’ve got nothing against a pan of chanterelle mushrooms found on a stroll. Just a little butter, salt and pepper: nothing superfluous.What’s more, this poêlée has the flavors of autumn, “my mental season” as Apollinaire wrote. That’s when the light is softer, the air fresher, the perfumes sweeter…

Portrait Christophe PlateauPortrait Christophe Plateau
©Portrait Christophe Plateau
He tells us...

When it comes to new technologies, are you more of a: disconnected, equipped (smartphone, tablet, computer), geek?

Disconnected, of course, as far as professional imperatives allow. In the age of the Internet and online reservations, it’s out of the question for me to deprive myself of a part of my clientele for whom the Net is a must. On the other hand, no cell phone: it’s a real luxury to be able, from time to time, to be unavailable…

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