Terrain multisports

Chemin Pré Lanaud, 87120 Eymoutiers
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Located in the magnificent Prè Lanaud park, in the center of Eymoutiers, the field is open to all, and PMR (Person with Reduced Mobility) access is possible. It's free, easy to get to and allows you to play sports on the spur of the moment, without needing to make an appointment or reservation, and without having to belong to a club. It's a place to let off steam, play sports and meet new people. The multi-sports field is ideal for the initiation and practice of several sports: soccer,...


Picnic area


All year 2025 -


Terrain multisports
Chemin Pré Lanaud, 87120 Eymoutiers
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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