Tèrra Aventura : Une roche venue des profondeurs de l’histoire

  • Geocaching
, 87500 La Roche-l'Abeille
Please note that the nearest station is more than
The commune of La Roche l?Abeille is home to one of our department?s most remarkable natural sites. Of particular interest is the serpentine moor, a rock that appeared on the ocean floor 300 million years ago. This geological feature has a direct influence on the flora, which is of exceptional interest. It was therefore only natural that this exceptional site should be the focus of an educational program designed to bring the richness of the area to a wider public.


Tèrra Aventura : Une roche venue des profondeurs de l’histoire
, 87500 La Roche-l'Abeille
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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