Terra Aventura : Ségur, y’a pas plus sûr !

, 19230 Ségur-le-Château
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Ségur-le-Château, "France?s Most Beautiful Village", is located on the banks of the Auvézère river. It revolves around a rocky promontory, on which the Viscounts of Limoges had built their fortress.
I remember it like it was yesterday! Except that it was in the 9th century... Back then, no one
dared attack the castle. Protected by the river and the cliff, it was impregnable! "Ségur
comes from a Latin word meaning "safe place"...


Terra Aventura : Ségur, y’a pas plus sûr !
, 19230 Ségur-le-Château
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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