Montrol-Sénard, authentique village limousin

  • Guided tour of town, village
  • Popular arts and traditions
  • Town, village and district
Bourg, 87330 Montrol-Sénard
Please note that the nearest station is more than
This real Limousin village evokes rural life at the beginning of the 20th century in authentic settings: the "Chabatz d'entrar" house and its cowshed, the farm bakehouse, the washhouse, the village school, the pig and chicken shed, the bread oven, the woodshed, the attic, the drinking trough, the shoemaker's workshop, the cobbler's workshop...
Open from the spring vacations to the end of the All Saints' Day vacations.
Guided tours for groups of 10 or more by appointment.
Prices: 6?/pers....


  • Equipment
  • Coach parking

  • Restaurant

Groups (Max capacity)
  • 10 Person (s) mini
Accepted customers
  • Individuals
  • Groups


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Montrol-Sénard, authentique village limousin
Bourg, 87330 Montrol-Sénard
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Montrol-Sénard, authentique village limousin
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