Cabane de feuillardiers de la forêt de Boubon

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forêt de Boubon, 87150 Cussac
Please note that the nearest station is more than
The hardwood worker worked in the heart of the forest from October to June, taking shelter in a bark-covered hut that he built himself at the start of the season. The hut served as a workshop, dining room and dormitory. It featured a bench in the center for cutting wood, tools hanging from the frame, a chair and a fireplace in the floor. This hardwood hut was built in 2016 in the heart of the Boubon forest, and can be seen during a hike (circuit "la forêt de Boubon") or a Tèrra Aventura...


Picnic area
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  • Picnic area


Cabane de feuillardiers de la forêt de Boubon
forêt de Boubon, 87150 Cussac
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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