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Sector downstream of the Farebout mill - Upstream of Moulin de Beaufort
A lentic sector, dominated by cyprinic fish and carnivorous fish. All fishing techniques can be practised here, in particular spearfishing and carp fishing on the right bank of the sector, which is on a "Night Carp" route marked by a black line on the map and by upstream and downstream limit signs at the water's edge. Carnivore fishing is also possible from the shore over most of the right bank section. Float-tube...
A lentic sector, dominated by cyprinic fish and carnivorous fish. All fishing techniques can be practised here, in particular spearfishing and carp fishing on the right bank of the sector, which is on a "Night Carp" route marked by a black line on the map and by upstream and downstream limit signs at the water's edge. Carnivore fishing is also possible from the shore over most of the right bank section. Float-tube...
All year 2025 -
Contact Parcours Pêche Carpe de nuit sur la Vienne à Saint-Léonard de Noblat
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