Exposition Exposition 2020-2021 "Influences Nippones" au Moulin du Got
©Exposition "Influences Nippones" au Moulin du Got|M. IHDI
Numerous cultural activities to see and do

Cultural activities in and around Saint-Léonard de Noblat

Haute-Vienne boasts a rich architectural and memorial heritage that leaves no visitor indifferent. Some museums present collections that are unique in the world, such as porcelain at the Musée Adrien Dubouché, or world-renowned, such as enamels at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Limoges. Other permanent exhibition sites highlight the assets of a rural region well worth a visit. If you like know-how, history, science and technology, religious heritage, parks and gardens, small-scale vernacular heritage, you’ll love Saint-Léonard de Noblat and the surrounding area in Haute-Vienne.
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