Fête médiévale de Saint-Léonard de NoblatFête médiévale de Saint-Léonard de Noblat
©Fête médiévale de Saint-Léonard de Noblat|JP Micaud
Highlights of the yearin Saint Léonard de Noblat in Limousin

Must-see events at Saint-Léonard de Noblat in Limousin

Many events are organised throughout the year Saint-Léonard de Noblat in Limousin
But which festivities are not to be missed?🎉

Are you coming to Saint-Léonard de Noblat on vacation? Here are the events not to be missed during your stay!

Traditional festivals dating back to the Middle Ages, festive and cultural events, events to entertain young and old

Quick overview

1. Medieval Festival

Live the life of a knight at Saint-Léonard de Noblat

⚔️ Do you feel like a knight or a princess?

Yes? Then come to the Saint-Léonard de Noblat Medieval Festival! 🏹
It takes place every year on the weekend following August 15th in the historic city of Saint-Léonard de Noblat. Coupled with the Limousin Cattle Festival it’s the event not to be missed in the heart of summer for a festive dip into the Middle Ages!

🏰 Throughout the weekend, the ancient squares and lanes of one of France’s “Most Beautiful Detours” are taken over by jugglers, minstrels and musicians… as well as the finest Limousin cows presented by breeders proud of their craft!

👑 And to make the party even crazier, don’t hesitate to come in costume!

2. Saint Martial's Day

Equestrian jousting at Saint-Léonard de Noblat

Giddy up! Head up with your horse at the Saint Martial celebration! 🐎

On the first weekend in July, the banks of the Vienne river in Saint-Léonard de Noblat perpetuate a festival where skilled steeds are given pride of place. During this equestrian joust, which dates back to the Middle Ages, galloping riders must seize a ring with a spear! 💍

On the festival menu: election of the village king by the light of brandons, a market of local producers, a country-style meal, concerts, entertainment for children, fireworks by the water… 🎉

In short, there’s more than one reason to come and celebrate! What’s yours?

3. The Marcel Jourde

Vintage bike ride in Limousin

Ever heard of the Marcel Jourde? A vintage bike ride in period costume in Limousin, the land of Raymond Poulidor… It’s an event not to be missed by any self-respecting cycling fan!

And, good news, it’s organized every April by the VéloRétro87 association in Royères, between Saint-Léonard de Noblat and Limoges. 🤗

Hop, in fine weather, get out your old bike, the one hanging in your garage, or attic, which has kept your DNA, your suffering, your sweat, but also your memories! 🙏

The circuits are signposted, and the pace is free, with no speed requirements. And if you walk up a few hills… shh, we won’t tell! 💚

4. The big annual show

at Moulin du Got

Every year, we rush to discover the great Moulin du Got art exhibition in Saint-Léonard de Noblat! 🤗

On view, works by a dozen French and international artists gathered around an imposed theme with a constraint, namely a link to paper! 🤩

In past years, the Moulin du Got made us dream with a paper journey to the land of fairy tales, fashion made paper, its Japanese inspirations or its paper bestiary! 🐺

This year’s theme? Hush! It’s a surprise that will be revealed on 1st April!

5. The Quintaine Festival

in autumn at Saint-Léonard de Noblat

At Saint-Léonard de Noblat en Limousin, we love traditional festivals! Don’t you? Every autumn, the ‘Miaulétous’ (that’s how are nammed Saint-Léonard de Noblat inhabitants) celebrate the Quintaine on the second Sunday after the feast of Saint Leonard. 🍂

The people of Saint-Léonard de Noblat perpetuate a time-honored traditional event that honors Saint Léonard, the city’s founder and patron saint of prisoners. ⛪

The festival begins with a procession into town of the Quintaine, a small wooden prison, which is then attacked and destroyed by horsemen armed with wooden sticks. 🐎

Once the Quintaine has been destroyed, its fragments are distributed to spectators. It’s said to bring good luck… Be sure to take yours home with you! 🍀

6. Ostensions Limousines

à Saint-Léonard de Noblat

Have you heard of the Ostensions Limousines? Listed as a UNESCO intangible heritage, these are grandiose ceremonies organized every 7 years. During these processions, the relics of Catholic saints preserved in the churches of the Limousin are exhibited. 💚

These festivities attract thousands of people who gather to see the reliquaries paraded through the towns accompanied by flags, banners, decorations and costumed historical figures. 🚩

See you in 2030 in Saint-Léonard de Noblat to experience this great popular festival dedicated to the city’s patron saint, in the presence of some twenty delegations from France and Europe! Will you be there? ⏰

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