Puy de La Croix au Lac de Vassiviere sur le Parc Naturel de Millevaches en LimousinPuy de La Croix au Lac de Vassiviere sur le Parc Naturel de Millevaches en Limousin
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Analysis of tourist activity in Haute-Vienne

Customer studies

Tourism is a dynamic and constantly evolving sector. To thrive, tourism territories and businesses need to understand the needs and expectations of their customers. Customer survey is a valuable tool that can help destinations and service providers better understand their customers. It gathers information about customers, such as their motivations, preferences, budget and behavior. This information can be used to improve the company’s products and services, as well as to develop new offers.

Survey 2019 – 2020, contribution to the knowledge of customers on the territory of New Aquitaine.

Orders and context:

  • The Regional Council via the CRT Nouvelle-Aquitaine and its departmental partners.
  • Carried out by BVA (who conducted the Aquitaine survey in 2016)
  • 40 Haute-Vienne partners involved
  • Haute-Vienne Tourisme (SPL Terres de Limousin) is co-funding the regional survey to the tune of €14,000.

Survey period: the study will last a full year: from June 8, 2019 to June 7, 2020. Deliverables: 1st results available at the beginning of 2020 and the whole survey at the end of 2020.

Collection method:

  • Presence of BVA interviewers in the field according to a survey plan defined with the CRT and ADTs.
  • Secondary resident survey panel (INSEE access panel) administered by BVA
  • Station and airport survey managed by BVA
  • Collection via distribution of questionnaires by partners (including you)

The aim: to provide macro-economic data on the profile and behavior of French and foreign tourist clientele in the region and its constituent départements. The survey will also look at economic spin-offs (via expenditure) and customer satisfaction levels.

Targets: tourists (i.e. anyone spending a night in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region other than their main residence)

  1. All reasons combined: leisure/holidays, business, health (i.e. spa treatments), including affinity stays (visits to family and friends) that generate an overnight stay away from the main residence.
  2. All types of accommodation: commercial (i.e. hotel, rental, etc.) and noncommercial (including stays with friends or in a second home where accommodation is provided free of charge).
  3. French and foreign nationals, including residents of the region when they stay in the region away from their main home.

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