Survey 2019 – 2020, contribution to the knowledge of customers on the territory of New Aquitaine.
Orders and context:
- The Regional Council via the CRT Nouvelle-Aquitaine and its departmental partners.
- Carried out by BVA (who conducted the Aquitaine survey in 2016)
- 40 Haute-Vienne partners involved
- Haute-Vienne Tourisme (SPL Terres de Limousin) is co-funding the regional survey to the tune of €14,000.
Survey period: the study will last a full year: from June 8, 2019 to June 7, 2020. Deliverables: 1st results available at the beginning of 2020 and the whole survey at the end of 2020.
Collection method:
- Presence of BVA interviewers in the field according to a survey plan defined with the CRT and ADTs.
- Secondary resident survey panel (INSEE access panel) administered by BVA
- Station and airport survey managed by BVA
- Collection via distribution of questionnaires by partners (including you)
The aim: to provide macro-economic data on the profile and behavior of French and foreign tourist clientele in the region and its constituent départements. The survey will also look at economic spin-offs (via expenditure) and customer satisfaction levels.
Targets: tourists (i.e. anyone spending a night in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region other than their main residence)
- All reasons combined: leisure/holidays, business, health (i.e. spa treatments), including affinity stays (visits to family and friends) that generate an overnight stay away from the main residence.
- All types of accommodation: commercial (i.e. hotel, rental, etc.) and noncommercial (including stays with friends or in a second home where accommodation is provided free of charge).
- French and foreign nationals, including residents of the region when they stay in the region away from their main home.

Visite Guidee Animee Le Chalard|

Etude 87 Clienteles 2019 2020 Bva Def 1

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