Balade à véloBalade à vélo, vélolim, Pays de Saint-Yrieix
©Balade à vélo, vélolim, Pays de Saint-Yrieix|Julien Audigier
Welcoming cycling tourists

The “Accueil Vélo” brand arrives in Haute-Vienne

“Accueil Vélo” is a national label guaranteeing a high-quality welcome and services along cycle routes for touring cyclists. The national “Accueil Vélo” label is set up under the aegis of France Vélo Tourisme by local tourism organizations.

Accueil Vélo is a guarantee for cyclists of a :

  • located less than 5 km from a cycling route,
  • with facilities adapted to cyclists: secure bike shelter, repair kit, etc,
  • with a warm welcome (practical information, advice, itineraries, weather, etc.),
  • providing services dedicated to travelers by bike: luggage transfer, laundry and drying, bike rental and washing.

Why become Accueil Vélo?

  • Improve visibility for cycling tourists in the field,
  • present on the various France Vélo Tourisme media (search engine, interactive maps) and on the itinerary’s communication media,
  • visibility with specialized tour operators,
  • referenced in bicycle topoguides.

A "Accueil Vélo" establishment can be :

A bicycle rental company
A cycle repairer
A restaurateur
A tourist office
A tourist site

How do I become Accueil Vélo in Haute-Vienne?

Haute-Vienne is criss-crossed by two national cycle routes, the V93 (La Vélidéale) and V56, which enable cycle tourists to discover our beautiful destination. Many needs have been identified to guarantee cyclists specially adapted accommodation and services. That’s why, in Haute-Vienne, we’re rolling out this national label.

SPL Terres de Limousin, in the person of Julie Froment-Fages, is coordinating the deployment of Accueil Vélo in the département. Julie will help you understand the guidelines and the labeling process.

In concrete terms, what’s the procedure?
  1. obtain information from SPL Terres de Limousin, write to
  2. familiarize yourself with the standards according to your establishment’s profile,
  3. request an appointment and organize the on-site visit,
  4. inspection visit with Julie, accompanied by the local tourist office, to check that the establishment meets the criteria of the Accueil Vélo standard,
  5. submission of the file to the departmental commission,
  6. authorization to use the label for 3 years if the Accueil Vélo criteria are met,
  7. signature of the Accueil Vélo commitment and payment of a €50 financial contribution to the implementation of the Accueil Vélo label (valid only in 2023).

A financial contribution exceptionally discounted to €50 in 2023: entrance fees are valid for 3 years, from 2024 to 2026. SPL Terres de Limousin is granting the first establishments to receive the label in 2023 a €50 entrance fee, instead of the official €200 fee normally charged. This deliberately low rate will not be renewed in 2027.

The financial contribution is intended to cover the costs inherent in the inspection visit and the provision of communication tools (website presence, welcome plaque, stickers).

Accueil Vélo, how visible is it on a national level?

  • Your establishment is promoted around cycling routes.
  • A page presenting your establishment on the France Vélo Tourisme website.
  • Your establishment listed in bicycle topoguides: when a topoguide is published or updated, France Vélo Tourisme provides the list of Accueil Vélo establishments to the following publishers: Chamina, Esterbauer Bikeline (Austrian publisher), Glénat, Hachette Le Routard, Ouest France.
  • Visibility through partner websites and partnerships: as a Accueil Vélo, your establishment is visible on specific pages and documents published by regions, départements (on the website) or tourist offices. At the same time, France Vélo Tourisme aims to develop visibility partnerships with tourism platforms, along the lines of what has been done forbicycle rental and repair companies with the SNCF.
  • A web module for your establishment (on request): a Accueil Vélo web module is available on request (see guide) to all members of the brand. It enables you to promote your establishment by geolocating it on the section of the itinerary on which you are located.
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