The storybrand Limousin new horizons

Why a regional tourism brand?

When SPL Terres de Limousin was set up, the shareholder local authorities (the departmental council, the department’s communities of communes and the Limoges Métropole urban community) and the socio-professionals interviewed all agreed on the need to create a strong tourism brand for the department to boost its appeal. A brand with which private and public tourism players can identify, and which they can use to boost their profile and visibility. The marketing objective of this “umbrella brand” is to associate the region with a set of values and images capable of attracting and enhancing the value of the various tourism service providers (accommodation, activities and services, etc.). Specialists refer to this as positioning (the perception of the offer by our target clientele).

Working with the CoManaging agency

The CoManaging agency was chosen to draw up an identity portrait (how to present ourselves in the best light to our future tourists) and define a brand platform (how to use the brand, with what words, symbols and visuals).

To carry out this work on the brand, the agency was supported by a steering committee (elected representatives from all SPL member communities) and a technical committee (technicians from these communities or their tourist office, and socio-professionals). For several months, these two committees met on several occasions to work on the brand, and to get as close as possible to what represents Haute-Vienne. The result is the “LIMOUSIN nouveaux horizons” brand.

This brand represents the way the people of Haute-Vienne see themselves as Limousin: tradition mixed with innovation.

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