Departement Haute Vienne 87 Ferme Fardissou 2022 Maxime Authier 37Departement Haute Vienne 87 Ferme Fardissou 2022 Maxime Authier 37
©Departement Haute Vienne 87 Ferme Fardissou 2022 Maxime Authier 37|Maxime Authier
Patricia Mingotaud,the LIMOUSIN new horizons farmer

Patricia, and Limousin well-being

Patricia, who has always been fascinated by medicinal plants, decided to change her life and make it her professional activity. La ferme de Fardissou aims to be a farm of well-being where visitors are invited to experience a moment out of time, to disconnect and take the time to appreciate all the benefits of slow life. 🍃
Ferme de Fardissou en Haute-Vienne - Sève de bouleau en Limousin - Patricia MingotaudFerme de Fardissou en Haute-Vienne - Sève de bouleau en Limousin - Patricia Mingotaud
©Ferme de Fardissou en Haute-Vienne - Sève de bouleau en Limousin - Patricia Mingotaud
Patricia Mingotaud

To be Limousin is to belong to a territory, to love it, to cherish it, to invest in it, to value it.

Her presentation …

I’m Patricia Mingotaud, and I live in Saint-Genest-sur-Roselle where I’ve been farming since 2018 with my husband.

I worked for 21 years in the tourism sector, and then I wanted a change, and to work with medicinal plants.

In 2014, I started harvesting birch sap in Eymoutiers, and became a betulicultrice.

In 2018, we left Eymoutiers for Saint-Genest-sur-Roselle where, on 23 hectares of farmland, we launched our global agricultural project.

For the past 5 years, we’ve been building, developing, producing, planting, creating and welcoming people to share our lovely place, a farm of well-being.

The place to be in Haute-Vienne

One place that has always captivated and soothed me is the Collégiale de Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat. It cradled my childhood and adolescence. It’s both a place of meditation and an important part of the region’s heritage, and far beyond. It’s a remarkable monument that takes us back centuries to the time of the great builders and pilgrimages to Léonard, the hermit who founded the city of Miaulétouse.

3 good reasons to adopt LIMOUSIN nouveaux horizons

🍃 Adopting the brand means asserting yourself as a Limousin.

🍃 It means promoting the brand’s values, in which I find myself 100%.

🍃 And it means contributing to the development of our nuggets.

Atelier Creation Baume Ferme De FardissouAtelier Creation Baume Ferme De Fardissou
©Atelier Creation Baume Ferme De Fardissou
His pride...

What I’m most proud of is having dared, dared to change course in 2018 to create and run our agro-tourism project in the Limousin lands where I was born. And above all, I’m proud to have chosen and asserted the environmental and well-being values that have driven me since the project’s inception, a rebirth for me.

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