Pont de Noblat à Saint Léonard de NoblatPont de Noblat à Saint Léonard de Noblat
©Pont de Noblat à Saint Léonard de Noblat|Unity Prod
The Noblat areaon the road to roaming

The Noblat region, on the road to roaming

The Noblat region is becoming more and more involved in itinerancy. Currently a stopover on the Camino de Compostela, the years to come will see other major itineraries being built and extended to reach our beautiful region. This is a great opportunity to develop our tourism business by welcoming these special groups!

Focus on existing itineraries... and those under construction!

Against a backdrop of changing tourism practices, with the Nouvelle Aquitaine region emerging as France’s leading sustainable tourism destination, the Communauté de Communes de Noblat is becoming even more involved in itinerant tourism, as a stopover on a number of major national itineraries.

This commitment translates into a real opportunity for the region’s accommodation and other businesses, as these new itineraries will attract tourist flows focused on soft mobility!

Challenges for professionals

What are the challenges facing tourist establishments as they face the development of roaming?

The mainchallenge will be to adapt to this territorial consolidation of green tourism, in particular by adjusting practices to meet ever more precise demands and expectations!

Numerous tools , such as the Accueil Vélo qualification (national qualification) and the Accueil Randonnées”Charter (departmental qualification), are available to help you anticipate the slightest requests from this specific public.

How do I become Accueil Vélo in Haute-Vienne?

Fill in the online questionnaire to assess whether your accommodation qualifies for the Accueil Vélo label.

The SPL Terres de Limousin teams and your tourist office will help you.

Your contact

Portrait Lea Robert De NoblatPortrait Lea Robert De Noblat
©Portrait Lea Robert De Noblat
Léa Robert
Partner referral - Development manager
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