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©Web Redaction Workshop
Looking back over the past 2 months

The collective in action: September and October 2025

After welcoming visitors during the summer of 2024, the LIMOUSIN New Horizons collective is meeting again to work together on a number of projects.

You can find a retrospective of all these workshops and meetings here, so you don’t miss out on any of the projects underway or what’s happening in the destination!

All these meetings are in line with our common objective, which is to make the LIMOUSIN destination shine with new horizons to attract visitors by meeting the expectations of tourist clientele. 🍃

Web writing workshops

September 10 & October 4

Once a month, the destination’s web editors get together to produce and exchange content for posting on the destination’s website: www.visitlimousin.com 🧑‍💻

These workshops enable the editors to stay in touch with each other, exchange information on what’s new and what’s happening in their region, create content and work on specific campaigns (SEA). But they also enable the group to improve its skills, with a specific focus on SEO, copywriting, best web practices and so on.

Today, this editorial committee includes 12 writers who produce content throughout the year to raise the profile of the destination, and contribute to improving your visibility by writing ideas for stays, topitos, etc. that highlight your tourist activities.

These workshops are an important moment of exchange and very productive! 💡

If you have any ideas for content we could produce about your business, please don’t hesitate to contact us 👉🏻 cleroy@visitlimousin.com

Action plan

Every Friday

Every Friday, the cluster heads meet at the Conseil Départemental to work together on the operation of the LIMOUSIN nouveaux horizons collective. 🍃

The aim of these meetings is to organize the various poles defined to organize this new collective between the department’s tourist offices and SPL terres de Limousin. The poles that have been defined are: support, engineering, commercial, outdoor activities, welcoming the public, communication, service providers, support, sustainable development.

You will be in contact with a team of specialists who will support you and develop the destination’s offer and visibility.

The cluster heads have drawn up a roadmap with an allocated budget to define the actions that will punctuate the year 2025.

Cotech Sirtaqui

September 12

It’s that time of year again, and the SIRTAQUI referents got together to prepare for the launch of the update campaign for the year 2025!

The aim of this campaign is to enable you, the tourism service providers, to update the data concerning your activity, so that potential visitors can have available and up-to-date information to consult on the various communication media.📲

This departmental technical committee (which meets 2 or 3 times a year) also enabled the team of administrators to review with the referents in each tourist office the associated offers, the use of the welcome module during the season, and to issue a few reminders.🧑‍💻

Note: departmental administrators meet up with those from other departments in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region at the SIRTAQUI network’s regional technical committees around 4 times a year.

Publication of the guide for tourism accommodation project developers

September 13

The Guide du porteur de projet d’hébergements touristiques, is a useful tool for all tourism providers wishing to open a seasonal rental. 📒

Developed by the Collectif Tourisme de la Haute-Vienne (made up of the Haute-Vienne Tourist Offices and SPL Terres de Limousin), the Guide du porteur de projet d’hébergements touristiques provides you with all the basic information you need on legal and tax obligations, quality procedures and the various promotional and marketing options available to you.

We’ll take you step by step through the process, providing you with contacts for the various professionals in the Haute-Vienne who can help you build and develop your project. 🤝

This guide is your best ally in getting your business off to a flying start!

Les rendez-vous pro


In September, the Haute-Vienne tourism collective (made up of tourist offices and SPL Terres de Limousin) released a program of various events for the department’s tourism professionals: tours, information meetings, sustainable tourism training and digital workshops. 🤝

The first “discovery” meetings took place at the Parc & Zoo du Reynou and the Losmonerie garden, where participants were able to learn more about these visiting sites. There were also information meetings on the “accueil vélo” and “accueil rando” labels. To give you an idea of what goes on during these “rendez-vous pro”, we’ve put together a snapshot, which you can find at 👉🏻.

Are you interested in these events? Sign up and find out about upcoming events!

The collective is already working on the 2025 program!

Marketing plan meeting with emotio tourisme

September 20

Work on the marketing plan began at the end of 2022 with the Emotio Tourisme agency, and was presented to you in 2023 with a detailed diagnosis of the destination and 4 strategic axes.

As a reminder, these 4 axes are :

  • Improve the quality of our offer.
  • Encourage the development of sustainable tourism approaches.
  • Increase foreign market share.
  • Facilitate access to and understanding of the offering.

The heads of the LIMOUSIN New Horizons clusters met with Emotio Tourisme (Mr. François Perroy) on September 20, 2024, to work together on the 2025 action plan and establish priorities to meet the objectives set out in the marketing plan.

Among the topics discussed: production and distribution of low-carbon holidays created with the CRT Nouvelle-Aquitaine, media and communications plan, brand development, increasing foreign market share, accommodation qualification, working on events, structuring and promoting the cycling industry, encouraging sustainable approaches, destination promotion.

Cotech Interactive map with Teritorio

October 1st

Last day of training for the Haute-Vienne interactive map referents.

The interactive map is a tool providing access to a wide range of tourist and practical information, as well as services for the general public. To find out more about the interactive map, visit 👉🏻.

The group of 15 people, accompanied by trainer Vincent Bergeot from the Teritorio agency, were able to take stock of the work areas defined at the last technical committee meeting and plan the next actions to be carried out, in order of priority:

  • Add new data sets (bus stops, electric car charging stations, ATMs, shops, bicycle parking, water points, public toilets, fishing, sorting points, etc.).
  • Improve map ergonomics
  • Create a user guide for tourist offices and service providers
  • Widget distribution
  • How to create and animate a community of local contributors
  • Introduce OSM to local authorities and recruit data watchers
  • Continuing training for tourist office staff

A new version of the interactive map is planned for spring 2025.

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