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Tourist taxin Porte Océane du Limousin

Tourist tax in Porte Océane du Limousin

Here you’ll find all the tools you need to collect the taxe de séjour from tourists in our area: Saint-Junien, Rochechouart, Oradour-sur-Glane and all the communes of the Porte Océane du Limousin communauté de communes.

What is the tourist tax for?

Since January 1, 2019, the tourist tax has been collected in the 13 communes of the Communauté de communes Porte Océane du Limousin: Chaillac-sur-Vienne, Chéronnac, Javerdat, Les-Salles-Lavauguyon, Oradour-sur-Glane, Rochechouart, Saillat-sur-Vienne, Saint-Junien, Saint-Martin-de-Jussac, Saint-Brice-sur-Vienne, Saint-Victurnien, Vayres and Videix.

Every year in January, accommodation providers pay the taxe de séjour to the Trésor Public, together with the Registre du loueur.
Paid by tourists staying on our territory, this tax is used to develop tourism in the Communauté de communes. The amount of the tourist tax is reinvested in tourism projects, in order to develop the tourist offer on the Porte Océane du Limousin territory.

How does it work? The tax collected in 2021 (invested in a 2022 project) was used to study the economic impact of the Cité du cuir in Saint-Junien. For 2022, the idea was put forward to help refresh the museum space at the Maison de la Réserve in Rochechouart.

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