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©Foires Marches

Shopping in Limoges

Every town and village in Haute-Vienne in Limousin holds its weekly market, offering a real immersion in local flavors, colors and crafts.🍏🥬🥩 The stalls are brimming with fresh produce, culinary delights and unique handicrafts proudly offered by local producers. The Limousin markets are also an opportunity to discover regional gastronomy, showcasing specialties such as Limousin meat and its many specialties. They’re a great place to meet and chat with producers and discover local traditions. 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾 They reflect the authenticity and conviviality of the region. Whether you want to buy fresh produce, find unique gifts or simply soak up the vibrant atmosphere, the markets of Limousin offer an unforgettable experience. One of the must-sees in Limoges is the Halles market, which offers a friendly setting for Saturday or Sunday morning get-togethers!
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