3 € Full-fare CRAFT Centre de Recherche sur les Arts du Feu et de la Terre A workshop for research and contemporary creation, CRAFT stands for "Centre de recherche sur les arts du feu et de la terre" ("Research Center for the... Limoges
Pont Colombier Unique in Europe, the Veyrac dovecote bridge was built over the Glanet in the 17th century, as part of a former château. Comprising five arches, it is... Veyrac
Bar Le CRIL Café CRIL Café is THE place to be for all Limousin lovers and epicureans. Over 100 craft beers are on the menu. Cocktails, wine, charcuterie and cheese pla... Limoges
Mudita Limoges - Studio de yoga et médecines douces Rediscover body-mind-emotion harmony through holistic accompaniment in a cocoon setting in Limoges. Limoges
Galerie René Bokoul René BOKOUL loves and finds inspiration in women; for him, they represent a source of blessing. Alongside his art, he is a cultural organizer for the... Limoges
Les Parfumables Perfume jewelry (pendants and bracelets); perfume diffusers; perfumable decorative objects. Scented and unscented ceramic cards for professionals. Par... Limoges
Parc des Essarts Located in the Mazelle valley, near Beaune-les-Mines, on the Rilhac-Rancon road, this landscaped park was created around 1876, to complement a 17th-ce... Limoges
Golf Club de Limoges Saint-Lazare Just five minutes from Limoges town center, this 18-hole course is pleasantly wooded. Long and flat, it is bordered by interesting roughs. The 55-hect... Limoges
Le Peuplier - Tiers lieu éthique et durable More than a third place, Le Peuplier is a small ethical village focused on well-being, bringing together various activities: - A local, organic restau... Limoges
VGB Création Porcelaine Porcelain creations made and decorated by hand, tradition revisited! Cookie, fine gold, kiln blue, grand feu... Creations inspired by nature. Limoges
Roue Libre, collectif d'artistes Founded by 4 artists, Roue Libre is a collective artists' studio that welcomes artists with diverse practices. Painting, ceramics, illustration, 3D pr... Limoges