Departement Haute Vienne 87 Pierre Branlante 2022 ©maxime Authier (9)Departement Haute Vienne 87 Pierre Branlante 2022 ©maxime Authier (9)
©Departement Haute Vienne 87 Pierre Branlante 2022 ©maxime Authier (9)
Every stone has its legendTop legendary stones not to be missed

Every stone has its legend: top stones with legends not to be missed

On your walks in Haute-Vienne, the hills and forests are dotted with menhirs, dolmens and legendary stones. In Limousin, megaliths and granite rocks are often associated with legends and superstitions. Some stones open on Christmas Eve, others shelter fairies or bring love… Let yourself be lulled by the enchantment of these sweet stories as you stroll through our peaceful countryside!
A quick of a view

1. The trail of legendary stones, Compreignac

In the land of fairies and their stone menagerie

9 legendary stones to discover on 1 hiking trail. Who could ask for more? In addition to the “Rocher des Fées”, this enchanting trail will take you to the “Rocher de la tortue”, the “cœur du géant”, the “bout de lune”, the “gros rocher barbu”, the “tête de singe”, the “pierre qui sauva les loups”, the “trois patates”… So many stones, so many legends! Including that of the Gros Rocher Barbu, into which gifts were slipped to attract the goodwill of the fairies…

For a magical family outing, download the Terra Aventura app and explore these legendary places with the “Journey to Fairyland” geocaching tour.

2. La Pierre Branlante, in Cieux

The stone judge!

Weighing close to 120 tonnes, this enormous granite block rests on another block only by a few points of contact. Tilted from north to south, a simple effort is enough to sway the wobbly stone from east to west.

The locals tell us that this rock once served as a court of law. If the accused could move it, he was declared innocent and pardoned.

3. Menhir de Ceinturat, Cieux

Great height, great love

Dating from the Neolithic period, it is the largest menhir in Haute-Vienne. Over 5 metres high, it is buried 2 metres below ground.

According to legend, whoever manages to throw a stone onto the ledge halfway up the menhir is guaranteed to get married within the year!

4. La Roche aux Fées in Cieux

Where the fairies have their palace!

A “Pas de Mule” away from Fromental pond, a path leads to the “Rochers des Fées”. Legend has it that this shelter, occupied since prehistoric times, is the ruins of an ancient fairy palace.

Keep your eyes peeled! Below, the stream cascades through a spectacular granite scree. In the middle of this is a rock in the shape of a carp’s head. Can you spot it?

5. Les Roches Brunagères, Peyrat le Château

Stone landscapes at Lake Vassivière

Head to Bois de Crozat, overlooking Lac de Vassivière, to discover the “Roches Brunagères”, large slabs of granite that almost seem to float in the heathery landscape. With their sarcophagus-like cavities carved into the top, these rocks are considered Druidic monuments.

To get there, take the “Chemin des Poètes” hiking or geocaching trail. Also worth seeing along the way: poems carved in granite, tumulus at 777 m altitude, panoramic view, picturesque village of Quenouille…

6. Dolmen du Pouyol, Eybouleuf

On the road to Saint-Léonard de Noblat

Dating from the Neolithic period, this dolmen is a listed monument. It can be seen in a field offering a beautiful panoramic view of the town of Saint-Léonard de Noblat and the Haute Vallée de la Vienne.

Legend has it that the stones fell here as the Virgin Mary was carrying them to build the bell tower of the collegiate church of Saint Léonard de Noblat.

7. Rochers de Puychaud, in Blond

Go to Réveillon and pocket the lode

Located on the Circuit des Mégalithes des Monts de Blond (a must-do!), these huge erratic boulders mark the symbolic boundary between the Oc and Oïl languages.

These rocks have inspired numerous legends. At Christmas Eve gatherings in the Limousin region, the elders tell of the largest of the boulders opening up on Christmas Eve, revealing a cave full of treasures.

8. Le Puy des Roches,

Watch out for the crazy horse!

These two enormous rock masses are the source of many legends. For some, they were brought from Golgotha by the bereaved Virgin with the words: “Grow, grow, little stones, and give me peace by easing my grief”.

For others, it’s a ritual site for Druidic sacrifices. It’s also said that a white horse lurks there, and it’s best not to come across it! Only coming out at night, the irascible steed chases travellers to the point of exhaustion…

9. La Pierre Belle, Bessines sur Gartempe

The pool of pilgrims with crushes

This huge granite basin measures almost 5 metres. Despite weighing 25 tonnes, it was moved 2 km in 1963.

In the past, young girls in search of a husband would make pilgrimages here. Want to marry? Just walk seven times around the edge!

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