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IN THE KITCHEN!Putting on your apron

The 5 best Limousin recipes

In Limousin, gastronomy is king! Want to impress your family and friends with a good meal? Here are our top 5 limousine recipes from our grandmothers. Plus, the top 5 easiest recipes to make. From starters to desserts, discover our Limousin specialties.
A quick of a view



This dessert is a Limousine brioche, eaten on the traditional Palm Sunday. An inexpensive and easy-to-make dessert.


🍜Ingredients:500 g flour, 18 g fresh baker’s yeast, 52 g warm whole milk a pinch of fine salt, 50 g sugar, 5 medium eggs, 250 g soft butter .

👉Place the flour in a large bowl. Make a hollow in the center. Crumble the yeast into this hollow.

👉Delay it with the warm milk, taking a little of the flour.

👉Cover generously with flour and leave to stand for 15 to 30 min at room temperature.

👉When the flour is all cracked, add the salt, sugar and eggs. Knead gently for a good 15 minutes.

👉 Add the soft butter. Knead the dough until it pulls away from the bowl and is smooth and elastic. Fermentation will begin “in the warmth” for 1 hour. Cover your dough with a tea towel and leave to rest and rise for 1 hour.

👉Heat your oven. Turn the puffed dough out onto a floured work surface and crush it with your hands to bring out the gas, place it in a mold cover the dough with cling film.

Refrigerate for at least 2 h.

👉Spread the dough into a rectangle 2 cm thick on the floured work surface.

👉Now you can shape your brioche as Rameaux approaches I make a Y-shaped brioche our CORNUE Limousine. I let it rise again on my baking sheet. Let rise in a warm place until doubled in volume.

👉Decorate your brioche. Heat the oven to static heat and place in the oven.


For Easter

Mainly in the north of the Haute-Vienne, our lambs graze in the green meadows of our countryside, a label known in our region as “L’agneau Baronnet” (Baronnet lamb).


Go to your local butcher and ask him to choose a nice piece of lamb mouse

🍜ingredients: Lamb mouse 6 piece(s), Honey from our local producers 50 g, rosemary sprig , cinnamon powder 5 g, curry powder 5 g, dry white wine 20 cl, 1 garlic clove,fine salt, pepper mill, olive oil 2 cl.

Preheat oven to 140°C (gas mark 5).
👉In a casserole dish with oil, brown the lamb mice on all sides over a high heat. Add the wine, honey, cinnamon, curry powder, chopped garlic, rosemary and salt. Carefully coat the mice with this mixture. Cover the casserole with a lid and place in the oven for approx. 1 h 30 (the mice should be melting).
👉Take the mice out of the casserole, cover with aluminum foil and leave to rest.
Place the casserole on the heat to reduce the cooking juices to a syrupy texture.



The emblematic fruit of Limousin, to be eaten without moderation all year round, as salty as sweet, good for your health the golden PDO apple from Limousin.

🍜Ingredients: 1.5kg apples from Limousin, 150g flour, 150g caster sugar, 1 sachet vanilla sugar 200g butter.

👉Recipe: remove seeds and cut each Limousin apple into 8 wedges.

👉With 50g of butter, grease a casserole dish and place the apple wedges on top.

👉In a salad bowl, mix the flour, the remaining 150g of butter, and the semolina and vanilla sugars with the tips of your fingers, to obtain slightly grainy breadcrumbs. Sprinkle this mixture over the apples in the Limousin.

👉 Bake for 35 to 40 minutes in a preheated oven at gas mark 8/9. Serve warm with sparkling apples from Limousin.

Recipe by Charlou Reynal


on apple compote

A quick and easy recipe based on an idea by chef René MAURY

🍜Ingredients:350g of black-bottomed pork chestnut boudin( choose from an Arédien butcher),1.5kg of Golden PDO apples from Limousin, 30 cl of water, 1 traditional baguette

👉Recipe: Peel the apples and cut into large pieces. Place the apples in a saucepan over high heat with a little water. Bring to the boil over medium heat and stir regularly.

👉Once the apples have melted, remove from the heat and allow the compote to cool.

👉Cut slices of blood sausage and lightly sauté in pan.

👉Slice baguette and toast. Place compote and blood sausage on top.

Serve warm.


For the aperitif!

For fish lovers, it’s trout fishing time. At Domaine du moulin Authier in Coussac Bonneval you’ll have it from every angle!

🍜Ingredients: 150g smoked trout from the domaine du moulin authier fish farm, 3 tablespoons crème fraîche and 150g fromage frais from La Laiterie les Fayes, 1 shallot, ½ lemon, salt, pepper, dill

👉Cut the trout into small pieces and place in the bowl of your food processor. Add the fromage frais and crème fraîche

👉 Chop the shallot and dill and place in the bowl. Recover the juice from the half-lemon and pour it in.

👉Mix until smooth.

Season to taste.

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