Aux Palets d'Or - Artisan Chocolatier

  • Confectionery / chocolate
  • Boutique de produits locaux emblématiques
33 rue Adrien Dubouché, 87000 Limoges
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Hervé Moreau, artisan chocolatier, welcomes you to his boutique in the heart of downtown Limoges. His chocolates are made right in the back of the store, with 26 years' experience.
Here, we are totally specialized in chocolate, with a very high quality product.
Everything is handmade, including his specialty, the chocolate Limousin chestnut. To be enjoyed without moderation in front of a roaring fire!
And for the summer months, ice-cream cones are exceptionally available to cool down on a...


Aux Palets d'Or - Artisan Chocolatier
33 rue Adrien Dubouché, 87000 Limoges
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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