Etang de la Pouge

  • Lakes, ponds, water bodies, marshland, springs
étang de la Pouge, 87310 Saint-Auvent
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Discover the natural riches of the Etang de la Pouge, in the heart of the Parc Naturel Régional Périgord-Limousin, near the picturesque village of Saint Auvent. A high-quality natural area renowned for its ecological richness, the site is made up of remarkable environments linked to the presence of water - small ponds, amphibian lawns, alder groves, ash groves - each sheltering characteristic flora and fauna (loose-flowered orchis, marsh iris, yellow-bellied sounder...). An ornithological...


Etang de la Pouge
étang de la Pouge, 87310 Saint-Auvent
Please note that the nearest station is more than
  • In the country
  • A plus de 20 mn de la gare
  • A plus de 20 mn d'un arrêt TER routier
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