Brie Medieval FestivalBrie Medieval Festival
©Brie Medieval Festival|Château de Brie
All events and outingsin and around Cussac and Saint Auvent

Events around St Laurent sur Gorre and Oradour sur Vayres

To stroll, to move, to go out in Haute-Vienne is to enjoy cultural and gourmet events in a human-sized setting. Farmers’ markets, festivals, exhibitions, local and traditional celebrations typical of the Ouest Limousin… The events are there to liven up your stay, and make you feast with the welcoming people of the Limousin.
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Atelier pour les enfants de sculpture sur bois
From 2 April until 29 October , ...
Atelier pour les enfants de sculpture sur bois


Tous les mercredis, le matin ou l'après midi, d'avril à octobre, Séverine propose aux enfants de plus de 8 ans un atelier de sculpture sur bois, pour...


81  results
The largest choice to prepare your stay
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