Eglise de Champsac

  • Historic site and monument
  • Church
Le Bourg, 87230 Champsac
Please note that the nearest station is more than
This Romanesque church dates back to the 12th century. It is dedicated to Saint-Baptiste. It has been restored at various times, notably between 1628 and 1646, the dates of which are inscribed on the door. The stone bell tower that stood on the transept was demolished and replaced by a wooden one in 1850 at the end of the nave. The modern stained-glass windows are by Vivian Oël, created in 1978.


Eglise de Champsac
Le Bourg, 87230 Champsac
Please note that the nearest station is more than
  • In the country
  • A plus de 20 mn de la gare
  • In the village
  • Dans un parc naturel régional/national
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