Bibliothèque Francophone Multimédia du Val de L'Aurence

  • Library - media library
Place du Commerce, BFM Aurence, 87100 Limoges
Please note that the nearest station is more than
The library is located in the Val-de-l?Aurence district, serving a population of 20,000. As a local library, it boasts a large collection of detective novels and organizes a monthly thriller event. It also runs a number of writing workshops for schools.
Thanks to a daily shuttle service, it has access to all the resources of the BFM (Bibliothèque francophone multimédia) network.
Computerized catalog address:
Types of documents available: books, CDs.
Services available: see...


Bibliothèque Francophone Multimédia du Val de L'Aurence
Place du Commerce, BFM Aurence, 87100 Limoges
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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