Aires de pique nique à Magnac-Laval

  • Picnic area
Espace du Rocher, Square Maufront et Intermarché, 87190 Magnac-Laval
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Picnic areas are located at Espace du Rocher, just outside the town on the Route du Dorat, with two tables, as well as at Square Maufront with six tables and at Square d'Intermarché with two tables. Other areas in the town include Avenue Georges Sand, with one table, Jardin des Enfants with two tables, Square Jean-Moulin du Théâtre de verdure with two tables, and Puygibaud with one table, next to a pond on Route de Dinsac. There is also a table at La Villatte and five more at the Pouyades pond.


Aires de pique nique à Magnac-Laval
Espace du Rocher, Square Maufront et Intermarché, 87190 Magnac-Laval
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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