Base de données SirtaquiBase de données Sirtaqui
©Base de données Sirtaqui|Image par Mohamed Hassan de Pixabay
New: party and event diaries sent outthanks to the

New: digital diaries sent out every week

New for 2023: Nearly 1,900 tourism service providers in Haute-Vienne receive a digital version of their event diaries every week!

Since July 7, 2023, SPL Terres de Limousin has been sending out an automatic emailing every Friday, on behalf of the “LIMOUSIN nouveaux horizons” shared tourism brand, to tourism service providers in Haute-Vienne.

This emailing contained the agenda of events for the following week. The information contained in the diary is entered in real time by the Tourist Offices of Haute-Vienne.

From July 21 onwards, the agenda was modified into 2 separate “ebrochures”: the events agenda and the exhibitions agenda, in view of the high volume of festivals and events.

A 3rd electronic brochure on the European Heritage Days is also available.

It is relayed by the Tourist Offices of Haute-Vienne.

What’s in it for service providers?

  • to keep them and their employees informed, and to better inform their customers,
  • to easily feed their communication media (website, welcome corner, etc.),
  • to get a better idea of what’s going on throughout the region, since tourists are mobile and don’t stay captive around their accommodation,
  • Providing this information can also extend the length of a stay, enriching it with a variety of experiences.

Weekly emailings recorded high open rates:

  • an average open rate of around 44% and a click rate of 12.70%.
  • In terms of number of clicks, the events calendar was opened an average of 175 times each week.

What is an ebrochure or electronic brochure?

An e-brochure is a digital brochure created from offers in the SIRTAQUI tourist information database. E-brochures are designed to be consulted online or distributed electronically, usually in PDF or other formats compatible with electronic devices such as computers, tablets or smartphones.

The weekly diary contains events and festivals. But there are other electronic brochures with accommodation, restaurants, activities, etc. that are also used by Tourist Offices. These can be printed on demand or sent by e-mail.

Weekly mailings will continue this autumn and beyond. The brochure template can be adapted to suit the volume of festivals and events, and a special electronic brochure for Christmas markets will be created in the near future.

These mailings have required a great deal of preparatory work, but this has made things easier: the creation of the brochure templates and the automatic emailings required 8 days of preparation and intervention by both SPL Terres de Limousin and the Tourist Offices for implementation in 2023. The new models created this summer will be reused in the coming months to optimize the agents’ working time on information quality.

How does it work?

This operation is made possible by the new SIRTAQUI Haute-Vienne database.

SIRTAQUI is programmed, firstly, to automatically edit the brochures and, secondly, to e-mail them directly to the mailboxes of the department’s service providers.

A number of tourist offices and service providers have expressed their support for this mass mailing operation.

If you have any questions, write to us:

Your contact

Amandine Lagorse, SPL Terres de LimousinAmandine Lagorse, SPL Terres de Limousin
©Amandine Lagorse, SPL Terres de Limousin
Amandine Lagorse
Management coordinator and SIRTAQUI referent