The brand in a nutshell...
Created in April 2023, the LIMOUSIN nouveaux horizons brand aims tounify the department’s tourism communications under an umbrella brand by bringing together SPL Terres de Limousin and the tourist offices.
The marketing objective of the LIMOUSIN nouveaux horizons umbrella brand is toassociate a set of values and images capable of attracting and enhancing the value of the various tourism service providers (accommodation, activities and services, etc.). Specialists talk about positioning (the perception of the offer by our target clientele).
Its history, its values ...
Haut-Viennois by geography, but Limousin by heart.
“LIMOUSIN nouveaux horizons” is our way of being Limousin: tradition mixed with innovation.
Here, we offer visitors the chance to take their time, giving meaning and value to their vacations: to feel rather than consume, to wander rather than visit. Heritage, culture, eco-responsible or unusual accommodation are all part of this “slow life”.
Made in Limousin: more than just another Anglicism, it’s a claim and a reality. Our know-how is thousands of years old, without being dusty. Tourists can visit your production workshops or your exhibitions. Our know-how is a source of tourist experiences: Limoges porcelain factories, paper mills and glove factories… Made in Limousin” also means gastronomy and the promotion of local products.
Connecting with nature: everything that’s part of our daily lives – lakes, forests, meadows, moors – is a life-size playground for our visitors, where outdoor activities are king! Whether you’re looking for a thrill (water-skiing) or a sense of well-being (hiking, velorail…), these activities enliven our wide-open spaces and set us apart from other destinations.
These landscapes, which have stood the test of time, are also the riches we wish to preserve and pass on: at LIMOUSIN nouveaux horizons, we offer our visitors the chance to experience the sustainable and responsibletourism we wish to promote.