VIT stands for Votre Information Touristique.
You can access it free of charge, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with a login and password supplied by your SIRTAQUI contact.
A single address:
View and update your data as frequently as you like to ensure optimum quality. In just 5 to 15 minutes, you’ll have complete control over your information!
Why update your establishment in the SIRTAQUI database?
Visibility estimated at a minimum of 10 million unique visitors per year IN NEW AFRICA
Presence on all major touring platforms (Cirkwi, IGN Rando, Outdooractive, rando millevaches…)
Optimized distribution :
- locally (tour operators, local authorities, PNR)
- by the département (ADT, CDT, CD)
- by the CRT and the region
- to partners (France Vélo Tourisme, Handiplage, GPS TOM TOM, …)
- in open data (DATAtourisme, national tourism platform) and hundreds of reusing companies.
Multiple paper and digital outputs: paper brochures, applications, interactive terminals, websites, press kits, tourist guides, travel books, etc.

Extranet Vit Sirtaqui Haute Vienne