Sirtaqui Ordinateur2Sirtaqui Ordinateur2
©Sirtaqui Ordinateur2
I access my personal VIT space in SIRTAQUI

Access to the VIT (Votre Information Touristique) extranet

Professionals, socio-pros, tourism players, by grouping your data in our database, you gain access to extended visibility on different channels such as brand websites, private broadcasters, editions, tools used by tourist offices and applications. This significantly strengthens your online presence and enables you to reach a diverse audience.

VIT stands for Votre Information Touristique.

You can access it free of charge, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with a login and password supplied by your SIRTAQUI contact.

A single address:

View and update your data as frequently as you like to ensure optimum quality. In just 5 to 15 minutes, you’ll have complete control over your information!

Why update your establishment in the SIRTAQUI database?

Visibility estimated at a minimum of 10 million unique visitors per year IN NEW AFRICA

Presence on all major touring platforms (Cirkwi, IGN Rando, Outdooractive, rando millevaches…)

Optimized distribution :

  • locally (tour operators, local authorities, PNR)
  • by the département (ADT, CDT, CD)
  • by the CRT and the region
  • to partners (France Vélo Tourisme, Handiplage, GPS TOM TOM, …)
  • in open data (DATAtourisme, national tourism platform) and hundreds of reusing companies.

Multiple paper and digital outputs: paper brochures, applications, interactive terminals, websites, press kits, tourist guides, travel books, etc.

Your contact

Amandine Lagorse, SPL Terres de LimousinAmandine Lagorse, SPL Terres de Limousin
©Amandine Lagorse, SPL Terres de Limousin
Amandine Lagorse
Management coordinator and SIRTAQUI referent
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