Interfilière’s Educ’Eau project aims to inform, educate, raise awareness and involve the various publics involved in social and community-based tourism, the hotel and catering industry and the open-air hotel industry, in preserving water resources during tourist stays, but also upstream of the services provided.
The Interfilière (UNAT NA, UMIHNA and NAHPA) is working with the Réseau Graine Nouvelle-Aquitaine, INFA, Interparc, Procuris, Albert l’amicale créative and lawyer Chloé REZLAN on this project.
The project will take place throughout the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, with events organized by department.
(for professionals from Corrèze, Haute-Vienne and Creuse)
February 29, 2024 at Centre Nature La Loutre
Face-to-face – 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – with Limousin Nature Environnement – 87430, Verneuil sur Vienne
The Interfilière de tourisme durable is a winner of the Adour Garonne Water Agency’s Educ’EAU program, aimed at raising public awareness of water resources.
As part of this project, training days are offered to members of the industry to help you better understand the challenges of water and the key actions you can take to preserve it.