Façade du restaurant Les Trois Saveurs d'Asie à Saint-Léonard de NoblatFaçade du restaurant Les Trois Saveurs d'Asie à Saint-Léonard de Noblat
©Façade du restaurant Les Trois Saveurs d'Asie à Saint-Léonard de Noblat|Office de Tourisme de Noblat
A new restaurantThe Three Flavours of Asiaà Saint-Léonard de Noblat

A new restaurant in Saint-Léonard de Noblat: Les Trois Saveurs d’Asie

Asian flavors come to Saint-Léonard de Noblat with the opening of this new restaurant!

Mr. and Mrs. Mey opened their restaurant in mid-January. Their restaurant offers Cambodian, Chinese and Japanese specialties for a culinary voyage rich in flavors.

A warm welcome, delicious and hearty dishes… these are the comments of the gourmets who have already tried this new restaurant!

So come along to 3 place Noblat from Tuesday to Saturday for lunch and dinner, or Sunday lunch… and enjoy!

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Portrait Lea Robert De NoblatPortrait Lea Robert De Noblat
©Portrait Lea Robert De Noblat
Léa Robert
Partner referral - Development manager