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©Location Bienvenue A La Ferme Letable Des Saveurs
Salon de la location saisonnière

Le Rendez-vous national de la location saisonnière

On May 31, the departmental tourism collective took part in the Rendez-vous national de la location saisonnière in Paris, in order to enrich the support we provide to tourism service providers and to see what was happening outside Haute-Vienne. Léa from Noblat tourist office and Stéphane from SPL Terres de Limousin debrief you!

Open to professionals and non-professionals alike

On May 31, the departmental tourism collective took part in the Rendez-vous national de la location saisonnière in Paris, in order to enrich the support we provide to tourism service providers and to see what was happening outside Haute-Vienne. Léa from Noblat tourist office and Stéphane from SPL Terres de Limousin debrief you!

Round-table discussions on the tax reform (information rendered obsolete following the postponement of the reform), the tourism observatory, artificial intelligence, trends, pricing, concierge services, online sales, technological solutions to facilitate the management of traveler reception and many other topics were addressed by Atout France, ADN Tourisme, and other institutional and private organizations working in the tourism field.

The Salon des Pros de la location saisonnière is an opportunity to learn about market trends. It is aimed at investors, concierge services and rental companies. Against a backdrop of changing legislation, this event provides essential information for all project owners and property managers. The many conferences are broadcast live over the Internet, so you’ll need to bring your smartphone and headphones. Making the trip to Villepinte gives you the chance to talk to people from the industry and the many companies present.

To sum up, there were just 3 workshops:

1) Development of Artificial Intelligence for hosting companies (presented by Thomas Dardour from BOTNB): Artificial intelligence is increasingly used in the tourism sector, to optimize (not automate) the services offered by accommodation providers.

Artificial intelligence functionalities vary according to the tool used, and the price you wish to invest in it:
– Respond to hosting reviews in a well-worded way via GPT Chat
– Optimize photos using CANVA’s Artificial Intelligence to replace a rainy sky with bright sunshine
– Generate a virtual tour of an accommodation from photos
– Answer (at any time of day) practical questions from tourists before their arrival
– Reduce energy consumption, etc.
In conclusion, artificial intelligence is in full development, and is likely to play an increasingly important role in our personal and professional lives.

2) Observatoire Mutualisé du Locatif (presented by Atout France)
a) Furnished tourist accommodation on the rise: Between 2022 and 2023, the number of furnished tourist accommodation units on offer is set to soar (+24% in the number of nights available).
b) Changing trends: We’re seeing a shift in tourism destination trends: Since 2019, we’ve seen a strong recovery in post-Covid tourism. The occupancy rate of furnished tourist accommodation has increased significantly in rural areas (+72%) and in urban areas (+61%) in 2023.

3) 10 concrete strategies to boost your seasonal bookings (presented by Smily). These strategies include
a) Identify your ideal customers
b) Build loyalty and acquire new travelers (idea: post-stay mail and 1 year later, be active on social networks without accentuating the commercial side, have a What’s app group dedicated to lodging)
c) Work on your brand image on the platform (talk about yourself, put people behind your accommodation)
d) Optimize your website (no spelling mistakes, online booking and customer reviews etc.)
e) Optimize your referencing (Google My Business)
f) Offline marketing (don’t hesitate to offer goodies related to your accommodation)
g) Offer a loyalty program

More info: https: //rdvlocationsaisonniere.com/

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