Taxe de SéjourTaxe de Séjour - espace pro de l'Office de Tourisme de Noblat
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Tourist taxCommunity of Communes of Noblat

The Tourist Tax in the Communauté de Communes de Noblat

Are you an accommodation provider in Saint-Léonard de Noblat or the Communauté de Communes de Noblat? On this page, you’ll find all the information and tools you need to manage and collect the taxe de séjour.

1. What is the tourist tax for?

Since January 1 , 2019, the tourist tax has been collected in the 12 communes of the Communauté de Communes de Noblat.

Every January, accommodation providers pay the tourist tax to the Public Treasury. Paid by tourists staying on our territory, this tax is used to develop tourism. The amount of this tax is reinvested in tourism projects to develop the offer on the Noblat territory.

The purpose of the taxe de séjour is to ensure that local taxpayers do not bear the full cost of tourism. Revenues from the taxe de séjour, paid directly into the budget of the Office de Tourisme de Noblat, are allocated in their entirety to the promotion of tourism, to improving the welcome and the tourist experience, in particular through the creation and publication of tourist brochures, the creation and hosting of websites, the organization of EducTours and local professionalization plans, the financing of a seasonal worker to cope with the influx of visitors during the summer, and even certain permanent or contractual jobs at the tourist office… In short, this local tax can also help to improve the quality of life, benefiting local residents as much as tourists themselves!

2. Understanding tourist tax

The taxe de séjour is a tax levied by accommodation providers or OTAs (Online Tourism Agencies such as, Airbnb, and Expedia) on all overnight stays in the Territoire de Noblat.

Download the practical guide and leaflet to understand everything!

3. Display tourist tax rates

It is a legal requirement to display tourist tax rates in each accommodation.

Please note that for bed and breakfasts, the rates must be displayed in every room!

4. Calculate the applicable tourist tax

The Office de Tourisme de Noblat offers computerized tools to help you automatically calculate the amount of tourist tax to apply to your visitors.

Download the tool pack and simplify your calculations!

5. Record the tourist tax collected

To help you keep up to date the number of nights billed directly, the Office de Tourisme de Noblat provides you with a rental register.

6. Transfer the tourist tax to the Public Treasury

Tourist tax must be paid to the Treasury twice a year.

Dates to remember: January 5 and October 15, every year!

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Sylvie du service groupe à Saint-Léonard de NoblatSylvie VAINTAN du service groupe à l'Office de Tourisme de Noblat à Saint-Léonard de Noblat - Espace pro - profil
©Sylvie du service groupe à Saint-Léonard de Noblat
Sylvie Vaintan
Reception and group manager
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