Bandeau Espace proBandeau Espace pro
©Bandeau Espace pro|otpol
Tourism professionals in action

The Porte Océane team from Limousin

The Porte Océane du Limousin Tourist Office is a team of multi-skilled people ready to help you with your tourism projects or answer your questions.

A team at your service

Porte Océane du Limousin
Anne Lise BrandiziAnne Lise Brandizi
©Anne Lise Brandizi
Anne-Lise Brandizi
Armelle ClavaultArmelle Clavault
©Armelle Clavault
Armelle Clavault
Reception and boutique manager
Marine DoudetMarine Doudet
©Marine Doudet
Marine Doudet
Publishing Manager
Amel El MalahAmel El Malah
©Amel El Malah
Amel El Malah
Communications Manager
Natacha FauvernierNatacha Fauvernier
©Natacha Fauvernier
Natacha Fauvernier
Event coordinator and tour guide
Mathilde Giovanni responsable prestatairesMathilde Giovanni responsable prestataires Office de tourisme Porte Océane du Limousin
©Mathilde Giovanni
Mathilde Giovanni
Contractor manager

Our progress initiatives

To welcome you even better!

The continuous improvement of our services is at the heart of our concerns. Find out more about the steps we have chosen to take to achieve this objective.
