Site Corot à Saint JunienSaint Junien - Site Corot
©Site Corot à Saint Junien, balade nature au bord de la rivière Glane|Office de Tourisme Porte Océane du Limousin

Discover Oradour-sur-Glane, Saint-Junien and Rochechouart

Welcome to our home… Here, we invite you to stop off in the glove-making town of Saint-Junien, to take the time to stroll between culture and nature in Rochechouart, between the château-musée d’art contemporain de Haute-Vienne and the route des arbres remarquables… As for the martyred village of Oradour-sur-Glane, it invites you to remember. So, as we say in the Limousin region: Chabatz d’entrar! Finish entering! Our territory will not leave you indifferent.
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