Corvid passerines: jackdaws, rooks, carrion crows, jays, ravens, magpies.
Among the pigeons: pigeon, rock pigeon, wood pigeon, collared dove, turtle-dove, turtle-dove
Cuculidae: gray cuckoo
Among apodids: black swift
Among waders: Woodcock (in the Monts d’Ambazac), Jack Snipe and Common Snipe (throughout Haute-Vienne), Common Yellowlegs, Redshanks and Redshanks (on migration, on all the region’s ponds and waterholes) and Barking Sandpiper (on the waterholes of the Basse-Marche in Haute-Vienne), petit gravelot, grand gravelot (Pouge and Lavaud ponds), oedicnème criard (Basse-Marche), golden plover (wintering in northern Haute-Vienne), lapwing (wintering throughout Haute-Vienne, breeding in northern Haute-Vienne).
Among rallids: coot (northern Haute-Vienne), moorhen, water rail (central Haute-Vienne).
Among diurnal birds of prey : northern goshawk (wherever there is woodland), osprey (during migration, can be seen wherever there is water), buzzard (present throughout the region in summer), marsh harrier (Flavignac, Saint-Léger-la-Montagne), harrier, common buzzard, sparrowhawk, kestrel, merlin (western Haute-Vienne), hobo falcon, peregrine falcon (along the Vienne and Gartempe rivers), black kite, red kite.
Among nocturnal birds of prey: Little owl, tawny owl, barn owl, long-eared owl (southern half of Haute-Vienne).
Among the ardeidae: great egret (present in winter with a high density in Haute-Vienne), grey heron (high concentration in Haute-Vienne), cattle egret (in winter, frequents the meadows of Haute-Vienne).
Ciconiidae: white and black storks (occasionally seen in Haute-Vienne on migration).
Among the gruidae: the grey crane (on spring and autumn migration south-west of Limoges, at Flavignac in particular).
Caprimulgidae: European nightjar (seen throughout the region, with a greater number of sightings west of the Haute-Vienne).
Among gallinaceous birds: meadow quail (on the cereal-growing plains of Haute-Vienne), colchis pheasant, red-legged partridge (present on the western fringe of Haute-Vienne).
Among woodpeckers: spotted woodpecker, black woodpecker, green woodpecker, ant-torcola (in the center of the département).
Among the larids: Yellow-legged Gull (on the waterways of Haute-Vienne), Black-headed Gull (present in winter in western Haute-Vienne).
Among sulids: the great cormorant (wintering only).
Among Anatidae : Mute swan (a few breeding pairs in north-western Haute-Vienne), Gadwall (wintering throughout northern Haute-Vienne), Mallard, Pintail (occasional wintering in northern Haute-Vienne), Wigeon, Shoveler, Tufted duck and Scaup (all four wintering on Haute-Vienne lakes), goosander (wintering on Lac de Vassivière, Lac de Saint-Pardoux, Lac du Pont-à-l’Âge, Etangs de la Pêcherie and Lavillemichelle), greylag goose (wintering on most of Haute-Vienne’s lakes), teal (reported to breed in Basse-Marche and to winter throughout Haute-Vienne).
Among the podicipedids & gaviids: great crested grebes and little grebes.