Itinera Magica Quartier Boucherie©Itinera Magica Quartier BoucherieFrairie des Petits VentresLa Frairie des Petits Ventres is THE event not to be missed. It has been held every year on the 3rd Friday in October since 1973, in the Boucherie district of Limoges. We look...Read moreOstensions©Ostensions|Sébastien Bayle, Vincent Bayle, LimouzinprojectLes Ostensions LimousinesAn unmissable event that takes place every 7 years in Haute-Vienne, and brings together thousands of people: the Ostensions Limousines! In 2023, the Ostensions are back, and if...Read moreFisherman and child©Fisherman and child|Marco_Polo-CRTNAFishing eventsHaute-Vienne is an authentic and charming département of Limousin, offering many options for anglers looking for a fishing spot to lay their rods. If you’re looking for a...Read more