7 caches to discover in Limoges
Become a real adventurer and use your smartphone to search for the QR codes scattered around the city. The Poï’z (little characters) will give you clues to find the poizs.
How do you play the game?
All you need is a smartphone and the 100% free Tèrra Aventura application.
Launch the route of your choice and set off in search of the QR codes! A life-size adventure game begins!
The Poï’z will accompany you on your adventure, enlivening the game with riddles and other activities. Their objective? To help you find the final coordinates that will reveal the coveted QR code.
Discover Limoges while having fun, and immerse yourself in a real cultural history.
Have we convinced you?
Don’t wait any longer and discover the 7 routes in and around Limoges!